GramáticaPassive voice Tópico resolvido

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Jul 2020 17 15:28

Passive voice

Mensagem não lida por Pedro900 »

Gorillaz give away their new album made on an iPad
Gorillaz, the cartoon-styled supergroup renowned for breaking new ground in the worlds of music and technology, have notched up another claim to fame.
The band that headlined this year's Glastonbury festival today released The Fall, an album that can be downloaded free and was largely produced using only an iPad. "I've never been someone who's embraced technology particularly," frontman Damon Albarn told a New Zealand TV station this month, shortly after announcing that Gorillaz would stop playing live in their current format. "I've always tried to keep true to my roots, which was just a four-track and a guitar, but I got given an iPad and I suddenly found myself in a position where I could make quite a sonically sophisticated record in my hotel room."
Albarn, who led the Britpop revolution with Blur, has called The Fall a love letter to America. "I used to be very baffled by this place, and I guess I still am in some ways. But right now, with all that's going on, this is a good place to be."
The album was made available to fans who opened the final door of a virtual Advent calendar on the
band's website. It can also be accessed as a stream on, while a physical release of the record is
planned for the new year.
While the 42-year-old Albarn made use of 20 applications on his new tablet device to create the album, traditionalists will be reassured to learn that a handful of conventional instruments were also employed. Mick Jones contributes guitar on one track, while Paul Simonon – his erstwhile bandmate in the Clash, now a Gorillaz stalwart – chips in with bass on another.
Gorillaz are not the first major band to release an album free via the internet. Radiohead put out In
Rainbows as a digital download in 2007 employing an "honesty box" scheme. But experts suggest Gorillaz are at the vanguard in recognising how the business model of popular music is changing, with fans able to play games, become an exclusive member of its fan club and buy limited-edition artwork all on the website. (…)

Qual das sentenças a seguir, extraídas do texto, não se encontra na voz passiva?
a) …an album that can be downloaded free and was largely produced using only an iPad.
b) … but I got given an iPad and I suddenly found myself in a position where I could make quite a sonically sophisticated record in my hotel room.
c) I used to be very baffled by this place, and I guess I still am in some ways.
d) The album was made available to fans who opened the final door of a virtual Advent calendar on the band's website.
e) It can also be accessed as a stream on, while a physical release of the record is planned for the new year.
Alguém pode me explicar por que é a letra c


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Out 2020 02 11:07

Re: Passive voice

Mensagem não lida por mandycorrea »

Formas da Passive Voice:

1) tense of verb to be + past participle
2)Modal verb + be/have been + past participle
3)Infinitive + to be/to have been + past participle
4) Ing + being/having been + past participle

Na letra c, ao contrário das demais, não termos as formas da voz passiva, mas a expressão used to, a qual indica ações feitas no passado e não mais no presente.

Editado pela última vez por mandycorrea em 02 Out 2020, 11:08, em um total de 1 vez.
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