Gramática(Mackenzie-96) Gerunds and infinitive

Questões sobre a gramática da língua inglesa.
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Ago 2020 26 13:05

(Mackenzie-96) Gerunds and infinitive

Mensagem por JohnnyEN »

Indicate the correct alternative:
I had hoped __________ my letter.

a) her answer
b) her answering
c) that she answer
d) that she would answer
e) to her answer


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Dez 2022 27 00:01

Re: (Mackenzie-96) Gerunds and infinitive

Mensagem por Fibonacci13 »

Olá, JohnnyEN.

The correct alternative is "that she would answer." "That she answer" is not grammatically correct. "Her answering" and "her answer" are not appropriate in this context because they do not convey the idea of hoping or expecting something to happen. "To her answer" is also not correct because "to" is not a suitable preposition in this context.

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Dez 2022 27 07:57

Re: (Mackenzie-96) Gerunds and infinitive

Mensagem por FelipeMartin »

This has little to do with gerunds or infinitives, which are verbals, but rather it deals with the subjunctive verb mood induced by the word "hoped"; mood which would have to be transmitted to the subordinate clause.

φως εσύ και καρδιά μου εγώ πόσο σ' αγαπώ.
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