Gramática(UFG 2014/2) Reported Speech Tópico resolvido

Questões sobre a gramática da língua inglesa.
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Jul 2020 29 17:19

(UFG 2014/2) Reported Speech

Mensagem não lida por ASPIRADEDEU »

The excerpt “The young inventor's dream is to attend
medical school in the US and continue with projects concerning the
environment” is written in direct speech as:
a) “If only I had attended medical school in the US and continued
with projects concerning the environment.”
b) “I wish I had attended medical school in the US and continued
with projects concerning the environment.”
c) “I wished I attended medical school in the US and continued with
projects concerning the environment.”
d) “I hope I attend medical school in the US and continue with
projects concerning the environment.”
e) “I would like to have attended medical school in the US and
continued with projects concerning the environment.”

Gabs:D,porque não C ?

“Não passamos de minhocas. Mas acredito ser uma minhoca que brilha.”
Sir Winston Churchill
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Jul 2020 29 18:57

Re: (UFG 2014/2) Reported Speech

Mensagem não lida por Boredom »

ASPIRADEDEU note que no trecho da questao o verbo to attend assim como toda a frase esta no presente. entao necessariamente o direct speech sera escrito com verbo no presente. a letra c esta com o verbo to attend no passado ''attended''.
a letra c traduzida ficaria algo assim: ''' eu queria ter frequentado......
a letra D que e a unica opcao que tem to attend no presente.: eu espero frewuentar/ir a escola de medicina nos EUA..........

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